the sum of twenty dollars for each offence, and all
fines and forfeitures shall be recovered for the use of
the corporation, and in the name of the burgess
and commissioners of Woodsboro, nnd it shall be
CHAP. 299.
the duty of the burgess aforesaid, to sec that all
ordinances are duly and faithfully executed; and
he shall, in virtue of his office, have and exercise
within the limits of the corporation, all the jurisdic-
tion and powers of a justice of the peace, except as to
the recovery of small debts, and he shall report annu-
ally to the commissioners, during the first two days of
their session, a general state of the town, with an ac-
curate account of the money received and expended,
Duty and pow-
er of Burgess
to be published for the information of the citizens, and
the said burgess, before he acts as such, shall take an
oath or affirmation, as the case may be, before some
justice of the peace for Frederick county, that he will
well and faithfully, without favour, affection or parti-
ality, execute the office of burgess, to the best of his
knowledge, and each commissioner shall before he acts
as such, take an oath or affirmation, as the case may
be, before some justice of the peace for the county
aforesaid, that he will faithfully and honestly, to the
best of his skill and judgment, exercise the powers
given, and discharge the duties required of him by this
law, as a commissioner of Woodsboro, impartially, and
without favour or resentment to any, and without delay.
Oaths required
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the said burgess
shall be the treasurer for the said corporation, and
shall give bond to the said corporate body, with securi-
ty to be approved by the commissioners, or a majority
of them, in such penalty as they shall fix, conditioned
for the faithful discharge of his duty as treasurer, and
he shall receive and pay away, all monies that he shall
be directed to receive and pay away by the ordinances
to be passed by the said commissioners or a majority
of them.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the limits or
the said town, for all purposes, except taxation, by
the laws of the corporation, shall be as follows: com-
mencing at a spring owned by Mr. David Dark is
from whence he leads water in pipes to his house, and
running thence to Mr. Michael Shark's watering place
Town limits