and Potomac Canal Company as aforesaid; and pro-
Tided also, that if the said Annapolis and Potonfac
Canal Company shall become organized by the elec-
tion of a president and directors at any time before the
CHAP. 299
Or if said C.co
first day of January next, then the said release shall
be authorised by a vote of the stockholders in general
meeting, to be convened for that purpose, and executed
under the common seal of the said company, and if the
Attorney General shall be of opinion that the stock-
holders before an organization of the company, cannot
Their release
lawfully execute a release for the purposes aforesaid,
then the said stockholders who have already subscrib-
ed to the stock of said company, shall have power to
elect a president and directors, and organize said
company under the direction of the commissioners ap-
pointed to receive subscriptions to said stock, in the
manner prescribed by the act to incorporate the An-
Proceedings to
obtain, author-
napolis and Potomac Canal Company, and the supple-
ments thereto; and provided also, that the subscription
on the part of this State hereinbefore authorised and
mentioned, shall not be made until the Attorney Gen-
eral of this State shall certify in writing to the Gov-
ernor and Council, that the State is fully discharged
from all and every obligation or promise to the An-
napolis and Potomac Canal Company.
Attorney's cer-
An act to incorporate Woodsboro, in Frederick county.
Passed Mar. 51.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the citizens of Woodsboro, in Frede-
rick county, shall be, and they are hereby constituted
and made a body corporate by the name of the Burgess
and Commissioners of Woodsboro, with all the privi-
leges of a body corporate, and to have a common seal
and perpetual succession.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the free white male
citizens of Woodsboro aforesaid, of the age of twenty-
one years and upwards, and having resided in the said
town for and during the space of twelve months next
preceeding the election, shall on the first Monday of
April next, at the house now occupied as a tavern by
Election of Bur-
gess and Com-