CHAP. 298,
company shall be adequate to a dividend of six per
centum per annum, amongst all the stockholders, and
thereafter the State in reference to its stock subscribed,
shall be entitled to have and receive a proportional di-
vidend upon the profits of the work, as declared from
time to time, and no more; provided, however, that no
such payment shall be made until the expiration of
twelve months after the completion of the work.
Fund from
ivbich the
State's instal-
ments shall be
SEC. 10. A?id be it enacted, That the said Treasurer
shall pay the instalments on the capital stock for which
:lie shall subscribe, as the same may be called for, agree-
ably to the provisions of this act, out of the monies
which he shall receive as the par or sum of the stock
or bonds of this State, that may be issued under the
provisions of the act for the promotion of internal im-
provement, passed at May session, eighteen hundred
and thirty-six, chapter three hundred and ninety-five,
Not until indi-
vidual pay
be paid by the said Treasurer, until after an equal pro-
portional payment shall hare been actually made by the
other stockholders, on their shares of the capital stock
And Annapolis
and P. Canal
co. release
of the said company; provided, however, that no such
payment shall be made by the said Treasurer, nor shall
the subscription hereinbefore authorised be in anywise
obligatory on this State, unless the subscribers to the
capital stock of the Annapolis and Potomac Canal
Company, or three-fourths of the number thereof own-
ing three-fourths of the shares of said stock, now sub-
scribed, shall by writing, under their hands and seals,
and attested by a justice of the peace, release this
State from its obligation to make any subscription to
the capital stock of the said Annapolis and Potomac
Canal Company, and file said instrument with the Go-
vernor and Council, on or before the first day of Ja-
nuary next, and thereafter the obligation of this State
to subscribe for five thousand shares of capital stock
And the Attor-
ney General
of the Annapolis and Potomac Canal Company shall
cease and determine; and provided also, that the At-
torney General of this State shall also certify to the
Governor and Council, that the Legislature, with the
consent of the stockholders of said company, to be
given as aforesaid, may lawfully rescind and determine
its obligation to subscribe for stock to the Annapolis