the newspapers printed in Washington county, and
under its common seal, declare its acceptance of this
act, the following provisions shall thenceforth be se-
verally in full force, and form a part of the charter of
said Bank.
CHAP. 295,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
of said bank may be augmented in such manner, and
at such times as shall be prescribed by the president
and directors of the said bank; provided always, that
the whole capital stock of the said bank shall not at
any time exceed four hundred thousand dollars, and
that the same shall he divided into shares of twenty
five dollars each, and that, no part of said stock shall
originally be disposed of by the president and direc-
tors of said bank, at a less price than the par of said
Augment capi-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the president and
directors of said bank, shall on the first Monday of
January in each year, pay or cause to be paid to the
treasurer of the Western shore of the State of Mary-
land, the sum rf twenty cents on every one hundred
dollars of the capital stock, which the said bank shall
have actually received, under and by virtue of this act,
to be applied by said treasurer in augmentation of the
free school fund of the State, in the same manner as
the similar tax is now applied, to which the said bank
is and will continue to be subject on its present capital
stock, and in case of the failure of the president and di-
rectors of the said bank to make such payment for the
space of six months after the same shall have become
payable, the charter of the said corporation shall be
forfeited, and shall be deemed null and void.
School tax 20
cents in $100
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the president and
directors of said bank in consideration of the privile-
ges granted by this act, shall pay to the State of Mary-
land, a bonus on the capital stock, which the said bank
shall at any time have or receive, over and above two
hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or the sum of its
original capital, at and after the rate of three dollars
and seventy-five cents on each hundred dollars thereof,
which bonus shall be paid on the first day of January
next, after such augmented capital shall have been re-
ceived by the said bank.