CHAP. 295.
3d & 6th Con-
gressional dis-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the lines, boundaries and limits of
the third and fifth congressional districts of this State,
be and remain the same as they were before the erec-
tion of Carroll county.
Election— vo-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the voters residing
hi that part of Carroll county which lies within the
laid third congressional district, shall vote for a
member of Congress for said third congressional dis-
trict, and that the voters residing in that part of Car-
roll county which lies within the said fifth congression-
al district, shall vote for a member of Congress for
said fifth congressional district, at the same time and
places, and before the same Judges of election respec-
tively, at which and before whom, they vote for Dele-
gates to the General Assembly of Maryland.
C we of portions
of each dis-
trict, &c.
Two ballot box.
es, &c.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That in "all cases where
a portion of the said third congressional district and
a portion of the said fifth congresssional district shall
be contained in on election district of Carroll county,
the Judges of election of said district, shall keep a
separate box in which the ballots of the voters of the
third congressional district shall be deposited, and al-
so a separate, box, in which the ballots of the voters of
the fifth congressional district shall be deposited, and
that the pole be kept open, and that all other formali-
ties and requisitions be complied with as regards said
elections that are now required by law in the election
of Representatives in the Congress of the United States
from this State.
Passed Mar. 11
A Supplement to the act to Incorporate the Hagerstown
Preliminary ac-
SECTION 1. Be if enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That if the president and directors of
the Hagerstown bank shall on or before the first day
of January next, pass and file with the Governor and
Council of the State of Maryland, a resolution author-
ized at a general meeting of the Stockholders of said
bank, of which ten days notice shall be given in all