able at the pleasure of this State at any time after
twenty years from the passage of this act.
CHAF. 294.
A« additional supplement to the act for the relief of sun-
dry insolvent debtors.
Passed Mar. 31,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That in all cases of petitions under the act
to which this is a supplement, and the several supple-
ments thereto, where the party petitioner has not or
shall not appear before the county court, according to
Case of non-ap-
pearance of In-
the tenor of his bond, to answer interrogatories and al-
legations, it shall be lawful for the county court before
whom said petitioner has been or may be directed to
appear, up m application of the petitioner, to inquire In-
Enquire cause
to the said failure to appear and the causes thereof,
and in their discretion to extend the time and appoint
another day, for the appearance of said petitioner be-
fore said court, upon his giving the notice now required
by law to his creditors to appear and file interrogatories
and allegations against him.
Extend time
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in all cases under
the said act and supplements, where a failure has oc-
curred or may hereafter occur, to give the notice now
Failing to give
notice to credi-
required by law to the creditors of the insolvent to
appear against him, the court before whom the said pe-
titioner has been or may be ordered to appear, may in-
quire into the causes of the said failure to publish notice
as aforesaid, and in their discretion extend the time of
the appearance of said petitioner to some certain day,
upon his giving the notice to creditors, now required
by law.
Authority to ex-
tend time
An act relating to the third and fifth Congressional Dis-
trict of this State.
WHEREAS, the erection of Carroll county, has in-
terfered with the lines and boundries of the said con-
gressional districts r—Therefore,
Passed Mar.21,