also, that the said court shall be fully satisfied by tes-(
timony, oral or written, that said division is advanta-
geous to all parties interested; and that the said return
is obvious to no other objections than such as arise from
the manner of division, or from the postponement of
the return of the commissioners.
CHAP. 284.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in case the said re-
turn shall be ratified and confirmed by the said court,
the said division shall avail in law, and be as effectual
and conclusive to all intents and purposes, as if the
said estate had been divided into parts, in one of the
modes prescribed by law.
A supplement to the act, entitled, an act to regulate the
compensation of Jurors, Judges of the Orphans'
Court, Judges of the Levy Court, Commissioners of
the Tax, and Witnesses, for Caroline county, passed
at December session eighteen hundred and thirty-four,
chapter two hundred and eight.
Passed Mar. 21,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
it shall and may he lawful for the Judges of the Or-
phans' Court of Caroline county, to receive, in lieu of
the per diem allowance now received by them, the sum
of two dollars for each day that each of them shall
Per diem $2
serve in that capacity, and in addition thereto, an al-
lowance of five cents per mile, for every mile that his
place of residence shall be distant from Den ton, the
place where the said Orphans' Court is held; provided,
nevertheless, that nothing herein contained shall be so
construed, as to allow the said judges mileage in re-
turning home.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all such parts of the
act of eighteen hundred and thirty-four, chapter two
hundred and eight, as relates to the orphans' court of
Caroline county be, and the same are hereby repealed.