shall and may make and ordain all by-laws and ordi-
nances necessary to carry out the purposes of this act,
and for the regulation and government of the said
school, and to promote education thereat, not inconsis-
tent with the constitution and laws of this State.
CHAP. 38.
SEC 5. And be it enacted, That the said school
house may be used for religious worship in such man-
ner, and at such times as may be allowed and directed
by the said trustees.
House for wor-
An, act, supplemental to an act, entitled, an act provid-
ing for the appointment of Commissioners to divide
Carroll County into Election Districts-
Passed Feb. 1,
Be it enacted biy the General Assembly of Maryland,
That James C. Attlce, be, and be is hereby appointed
one of the commissioners to divide Carroll county in-
to election districts, in the place of Thomas C. Attlce,
who is named and appointed in the said original act to
which this is a supplement.
An act to make valid a certain instrument of writing
therein mentioned, and for other purposes.
Passed Feb. 6,
WHEREAS, a certain Thomas Beall, of Samuel, did by
deed or instrument of writing, bearing date the first day
of February, in the year seventeen hundred and ninety-
two, for a bona fide consideration, convey in trust to
Jacob Slagle and George Payne, a lot, or part of a lot
of ground, with all its appurtenances, situate, and be-
ing in the town of Cumberland, in Allegany county,
known as a part of lot number five, in the town of Cum-
berland, for the use and benefit of the Roman Catholic
Society ; and whereas, some doubts are entertained of
its validity ; and whereas also, the said lot of land, the
grave yard and the church, or house of worship erect-
ed thereon, will be seriously injured or entirely de-
stroyed if the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal should be