Public notice re-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of said commissioners before proceeding to act under-
the provisions of this bill or the act to which it a
supplement, to give notice in the daily papers of he
city of Baltimore, for at least one week of the time and
place at which they will meet, notifying all persons
interested to attend with their vouchers, and at such
time and place as shall be designated by the commiss-
ioners aforesaid.
Disposition of
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the stock of the
State to be issued under the said original act, shall be
issued and he payable to the executor, administrator or
administrators de bonis non of the said Jane White, or
his or her order, to be by him or her disposed of ac-
cording to law, as assets of the said Jane White's es-
tate ; provided, that before the Treasurer shall issue
said stock, he shall be duly certified by the proper or-
phans' court of this state, that the person claiming the
said stock, in virtue of his letters testamentary or of
administration, has given sufficient bond with security
since the passage of this act, for the faithful discharge
of his duty, as executor or administrator of said Jane
White; provided, that it shall not be allowed to the
said executor, administrator or administrator de bo-
nis non, in any case of a claim against the said Jane
White, to plead the statute of limitation, and that there
shall be no objection to any claim being allowed, on
the ground of said claims not being passed in due time
by the orphans' court
Return schedule
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of said commissioners to return so soon as their award
shall be made, a schedule of the items for which
indemnity shall have been granted, specifying the
same particularly, and the testimony upon which the
award has been made.