CHAP. 227.
Appoint agents
may appoint an agent for the collection of the debts
due to the said bank, and the president and directors of
said bank shall have power to remove all the books and
Remove books,
papers of the said bank from the town of Millington to
any other place which they may deem proper.
No dividends
till debts .re
SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That the president and
directors of said bank shall have no power or authority
to make any dividend or dividends of any of the funds
or profits of said bank, until all the debts which may
have been demanded of said bank shall be fully paid
and satisfied.
Performance re-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted that if the president and
directors of the said bank shall not observe and per-
form the provisions of this act, then and in such case
all power and authority given to them by this act shall
cease, and this act shah be void and of no effect,
Or this set void
Assent required
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That nothing herein con-
tained shall be of any force or validity whatsoever un-
less the said bank, by resolution of its president and
directors, authorised at a general meeting of its stock-
holders, declare its acceptance of this act. and bind
itself to comply with the provisions thereof on or be-
fore the first day of May next, and on or before that
day transmit to the Governor and Council a copy of
such resolution, certified under the common seal, of the
said corporation.
Tasted Mar. 20,
A Supplement to the act to Incorporate the Savage Rail
Road Company,
WHERAS, it is represented to this General Assem-
bly that on or.About they first day of February in the
year eighteen bundred and thirty-six, an election was
held for twelve directors to manage the affairs of the
Savage rail road company agreeably to the provisions
of said company, but doubts are entertained whether
the said directors or a majority of them have become
duly qualified to act as such, and as the time limited
for holding the next election for directors has long
since passed, it is doubtful whether the said directors
can continue to, act as such, and whether a new elec-