tolls, such collector or collectors may seize such vessel
or vessels wheresoever found, and sell the same at auc-
tion for ready money, and may apply such money to-
wards paying said toil, and all expenses of seizure and
sale, and the balance, if any, shall be paid to the own-
er, and the person having the direction of such vessel
shall be liable for such toll, if the same be not paid by
the sale of such vessel aforesaid.
Seizure authors,
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the said president
and directors of said company, or a majority of them
or their agents, may agree with the owner or owners
of any land, earth, timber, gravel, stone or other
materials, or any improvements for the construction or
repair of said canal and inlet and its works, or for the
purchase or use, or occupation of the same, and in case
they cannot agree, or if the owner or owners, or any
of them, be a feme covert, under age, non compos men-
tis, or out of the county, in which the property wanted
may lie, when such land or material may be wanted,
on application to a justice of the peace of said county,
he shall issue his warrant, under his hand and seal,
directed to the sheriff of said county requiring him to
summon a jury of twenty inhabitants of said county,
to meet on the said land to be valued, on a day to be
specified in said warrant, not less than five nor more
than ten days after issuing the same, and if any of the
jurors aforesaid do not attend, the said sheriff shall
instanter summon as many jurors as may be necessary,
with the jurors in attendance to furnish a pannel of
twenty jurors in attendance, and from them each par-
ty his, her, or their agent, and if neither be present
in person or by agent, the sheriff may strike off four
Right of way
jurors for each of the absent parties, and the remaining
twelve shall act as the jury of inquest of damages,
and before they act as such, the said sheriff shall ad-
minister to each of them an oath or affirmation as the
case may be, that he will justly and impartially value
the damages which the owner or owners of said land
will sustain by the uso or occupation of the same re-
quired by the company, and the jury in estimating
such damages shall take into the estimate the bcnefit
resulting to the said owner or owners from conducting
Inquistion di-