CHAP. 218.
said canal through or along the property of the said
owner or owners, but only in extinguishment of the
Appeal provid-
claim of damages, and the said jurors shall reduce
their inquisition to writing, and shall sign and seal the
same, and it shall then be returned by said sheriff to
the clerk of the county, and be by such clerk filed in
his court, and shall be confirmed by said court at its
next session, if no sufficient cause to the contrary he
shown, and when confirmed shall be recorded at the ex-
pense of the said company, but if set aside the court may
Proceedings di-
direct another inquisition to take place in the mode be-
for prescribed, and such inquisiton shall describe the
property taken, or the bounds of the land condemned,
and the quantity and duration of interest in the same
valued for the company, and sucli valuation when paid
or tendered to the owner or owners of said property or
his, her, or their legal representatives, shall entitle
the said company to the estate and interest in the same
thus valued, as fully as if it had been conveyed by the
owner or owners of the same, and the said valuation
if not received when tendered, may at any lime there-
after be received from the said company, without cost
by the said owner or owners, or his, her, or their legal
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the said board of
directors shall once in each and every year, or semi-an-
nually, declare and make such dividend as they may
deem proper, of the nett profits arising from the re-
sources of the said company, first deducting the current
and probable contingent expenses, and shall apportion
the same amongst the stockholders in proportion to
their respective shares.
Penalty for in-
juring, &c.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That in case any per-
son shall wilfully injure, impair or destroy any part of
said canal, or of its locks or any other of its works, or
of the said inlet, or any of the property of said com-
pany, or shall said, abet or counsel the doing the same,
all and every person or persons so offending shall be
liable to indictment in the county court of Worcester,
and on conviction upon such indictment shall be fined
in any sum not exceeding one thousand dollars, at the
discretion of the court, and shall lie sentenced to pay
the fine with all the costs, and such proceedings shall
be had as in all other cases of indictable offences, or