CHAP. 218.
ny shall have any vote in the settlement or passing of
his own account.
Property vested
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That for and in conside-
ration of the expenses which the said stockholders will
be at in cutting said canal, and in making other works
for opening said navigation, and for stopping and dam-
ing the bay as aforesaid, and for keeping the same in
repair, the said canal and other works, and the said
inlet, with all their profits, under the limitations as
aforesaid, shall be, and are hereby vested in the said
corporation forever, under the limitations as aforesaid.
Rate of tolls
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be
lawful for the said president and directors, after the
said canal shall be made navigable, to demand and re-
ceive tolls at such place or places, at or on the said
canal, as they may direct, not exceeding the following
rates, that is to say: for every pipe, hogshead, fifteen
cents; barrel three cents; every bushel of wheat or
corn one cent; oats a half cent per bushel; flaxsccd,
beans, peas or other grain, or salt, one cent per bushel;
every cord of wood twenty cents; three feet shingles
twenty-five cents per thousand; every empty vessel two
and a half rents per ton; and for all other commodities
in the same proportion, agreeably to the articles above
enumerated; and after the said inlet shall have become
sufficiently deep to admit of a safe and complete navi-
gation for vessels drawing at least four feet water, it
shall and may be lawful for the said president and di-
Tolls on Sine-
rectors, to demand and receive tolls at such place or
places on the river Saint Martin's or bay of Sinepux-
ent, as they may direct, not exceeding the following
rates, that is to say: for every pipe, hogshead, thirty
cents; barrel six cents; every bushel of wheat or corn
two cents; every bushel of oats one cent; flaxseed,
beans, peas or other grain, or salt, two cents per
bushel; every cord of wood forty cents; three feet
shingles fifty cents per thousand; every empty vessel,
five cents per ton; and for all other commodities in the
same proportion, agreeably to the articles above enu-
Enforce pay.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That in case of neglect
or refusal to pay the toll at the time of offering to pass
through the said canal, or the said inlet, by the vessel
passing throught he same, the collector or collectors of