meeting, shall be given, which said notice shall also
state the object of the call.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That every president and
director of said company, before he acts as such, shall
swear or affirm, as the case may be, that he will well
and truly discharge the duties of his office to the best
of his skill and judgment.
CHAP. 2 14,
Oath required
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the said president
and directors when so elected, and their successors, or
a majority of them assembled, shall have full power
and authority to agree with any person or persons on
behalf of the said company, to cut such a canal, and
erect such locks, and perform all such other works as
they shall judge necessary for opening, improving and
extending the navigation between the waters of the
Pocomokc, at or above Mitchell's bridge and the Saint
Martin's river, and to stop, wharf or dam, and per-
form all such other work, as they shall judge neces-
sary for stopping the bay as aforesaid, and out of the
money arising from the subscription and tolls herein-
after mentioned, to pay for the same, and to repair and
keep in good order the said canal, lock or locks, and
nil other works necessary thereto, and to defray all
incidental charges; and also to keep in good order and
Contracts au-
repair, the dam or wharf across the said bay as afore-
said, and to defray all incidental charges; and also to
appoint a treasurer or secretary, and such other offi-
cers, toll-gatherers, agents and servants, as they shall
deem necessary to carry this act into effect, and the
same, or any of them, in their discretion, to remove or
dismiss, and to agree for and settle their salaries, wa-
ges or allowances, and to settle and pass all accounts,
and to make and establish all by-laws, as they may
deem necessary for the transaction of all other busi-
General powers
ness and concerns of the said company, and such by-
laws from time to time to alter or repeal; provided,
that such by-laws shall not be contrary to the laws or
constitution of this State, or the United States.
By laws.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the treasurer shall
give bond in such penalty, and with such security, as
shall he directed by the by-laws, for the true and faith-
ful discharge of the trust reposed in him, and shall
receive such compensation for his services as the by-
laws shall proscribe; but no officer in the said compa-