CHAP 205.
ton county as other deeds for real estate are by the laws
required to be done.
Passed Mar. 17,
A further supplement to an act, entitled, an act to estab-
lish Magistrates' Courts in the several counties of this
State, and to prescribe their jurisdiction.
Constable's du-
ty to give in-
formation of
assault and
battery, &c.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall be the duty of all constables
in the several counties of this State to give informa-
tion, under oath to be administered by the presiding
justice, of all assaults and batteries, and breaches of
the peace of any sort which shall hereafter come to
their knowledge by any means whatsoever, to the seve-
ral magistrates' courts, at their regular sessions of
the district or districts in which said assaults and bat-
teries, and breaches of the peace shall occur, and in
which the said sheriff, deputy sheriffs and constables
shall reside.
Penalty for neg-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in case any constable
shall fail to give information as aforesaid, the court
when satisfied of the possession of such information by
any such constable, shall impose a fine upon the same
of not less than one dollar, nor more than five, at the
discretion of the court.
Passed Mar. 17,
An act supplemental to an act for the distribution- by lot
of certain real and personal estate.
Time extended
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act to which this is a supplement, passed
March thirteen, eighteen hundred and thirty-five,
chapter two hundred and seventy-three, granting to
Mary Ann Coale, of the city of Baltimore, and her
heirs and executors or administrators, authority to
make a public sale or distribution by lot or, chance, of
certain real and personal estate therein mentioned, shall
be continued and remain in force nine months after the
limitation contained therein and no longer.