CHAP. 199.
pine or cedar shingles, the whole to be completed in a
workmanlike manner.
Money payable
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the money hereby
required to be levied shall be made payable to the com-
missioners herein named, and shall be by them account-
ed for to the commissioners of their respective counties,
and in case the said sum of eight hundred dollars shall
not be fully and fairly expended in the erection of said
bridge and filling in the abutments, that they shall re-
turn the surplus money to the said county commission-
ers in equal moieties to the said counties, to be by them
applied to the use of their respective counties.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
hereby appointed shall be entitled to a reasonable com-
pensation for their services in attending to the erecting
of said bridge, to be paid jointly by the respective
counties therein mentioned in equal proportions.
Assent required
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the assent of the
president and directors of the Baltimore and Harford
Turnpike Company shall first be given in writing, on
or before the first day of July next, to the commission-
ers herein mentioned, which assent shall be in confor-
mity to the terms hereafter provided for, and shall be
by said commissioners filed in the commissioners' office
of their respective counties.
Turnpike co. to
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said turnpike
company shall, when they turnpike such road laid out
by said company up to said ford, pay to the commis-
sioners of said counties the full amount of money ex-
pended in building and filling in said bridge.
Case of vacancy
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That in the case of the
death or refusal to act of the commissioners hereinbe-
fore appointed, then and in that case the commissioners
of said county wherein the vacancy or vacancies shall
occur, shall at their next meeting fill such vacancy or
vacancies as soon thereafter as may be convenient