Grace, in Harford county, by an estate therein, for the
residue of the term of ninety-nine years yet unexpir-
ed and renewable forever ; provided, that nothing here-
in contained shall be construed to authorise any such
owners or their assigns to interfere in any manner by
the erection and construction of any wharl'or wharves,
with the vested rights of any incorporated company or
with the rights of any of the adjoining land-holders.
CHAP. 29.
A further supplement to an act, entitled, an act, to In-
corporate the Merchants Fire Insurance Company of
Passed Jan. 19,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the president and directors of the
Merchants Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore, or
a majority of them, shall have power to loan the funds
of said institution on pledge or transfer, or hypothe-
cation, to the company of any of the stocks or securities
mentioned in the sixth section of the act, entitled, an
act to incorporate the Merchants Fire Insurance Com-
pany of Baltimore, and to which this is a supplement.
May vest funds.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That nothing herein or
in the act incorporating the said or company, or in any
supplements thereto, shall be construed to authorise the
Its stock excep-
loan of money on the pledge, transfer or hypotheca-
tion of its own stock; provided, that nothing in this
act shall be so construed as to confer any banking
privileges on the said company, nor the right to issue
any note in the nature of a hank note.
Banking prohib-
A supplement to an act, entitled an act, to Incorporate the
Trustees of Darlington Academy.
Passed Jan. 35,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the. passage of this act, the num-
ber of Trustees of the Darlington Academy, shall be
increased to eleven, that is to say, John Ferguson
Eleven trustees.