CHAP. 30.
John Neviil, and Philip W. Silver, shall be, and they
are hereby appointed trustees of the said Darlington
Academy, and the said additional trustees shall with
those now in office, compose one board, and be entitled
to equal privilege, power and authority, as if the whole
were originally constituted under the act establishing
said institution.
Passed Jan. 26,
An act for the relief of Harriet Green, of Montgomery
Certifcate of
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the clerk of Montgomery county court, be, and
he is hereby authorised and empowered to issue a cer-
tificate of freedom to Hally, alias, Harriet Green, the
daughter of Jeremiah Bcall, a free man of colour, late
of Montgomery county, deceased, who was entitled to
her freedom before the act of eighteen hundred and
thirty-one, chapter two hundred and eighty-one, in
the same manner as if the said Jeremiah Bcall, had
made, executed, and caused to be duly recorded, a deed
of manumission to the said Hally, alias Harriet Green,
prior to the passage of the said act of Assembly, and
that the said Harriet Green, be, and she is hereby per-
mitted to remain in the State, as a free woman, any
law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Jan. 30,
An act for the relief of Martha Riley, of Montgomery
WHEREAS, Martha Riley by her petition, hath rep-
resented to this General Assembly, that she has been
improperly charged in Montgomery county with tax-
es on her real property, lying in Frederick county, and
that she has paid the taxes on the same property in
both counties; — Therefore,
Levy directed.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy court of Montgomery county, be, and
is hereby authorised and directed to lew on the asses-