scaled with their corporate seals, and all deeds by them
for the conveyance of any lands and tenements of the
corporation which by the laws of the land ought to be
acknowledged and recorded, shall be signed and sealed
as aforesaid, and shall be acknowledged in due form
by the vestry, or a majority of them, as such, in be-
half of the corporation, and all acts and deeds of the
said body corporate so authenticated, shall be "valid
and effectual in law.
CHAP. 194.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the said corporation
shall be capable of purchasing hereafter real and per-
sonal estate, not exceeding in value the sum of ten
thousand dollars, and they are hereby authorised and
Hold property
empowered to sell the lot of ground, or any part there-
of, and improvements thereon, now owned by said ves-
try, for the use and benefit of the Lutheran congrega-
tion in Cumberland, Allegany county, and with the
proceeds to purchase another lot or lots of ground, and
receive a conveyance in fee simple for the same, and to
build a new church thereon.
Sell and pur-
An act for the relief of negro George Hayman, of So-
merset county.
Passed Mar. 14,
WHEREAS, Cornelius R. Hayman. of Somerset
county, on the seventh day of April, eighteen hundred
and thirty, by a deed of manumission, manumitted and
set free a certain negro George Hayman of said coun-
ty, that the said deed was not signed and sealed in the
presence of a witness, as the act of Assembly directs,
but was acknowledged before a justice of the peace of
Somerset county, and was recorded in Liber G. H.
number five, folio two hundred and thirty-one, one of
the records of Somerset county court, and is in all re-
spects good and valid, except the want of a witness as
aforesaid; and whereas, the said Cornelius R. Hay-
man and negro George Hayman, bv their separate pe-
titions, pray a special act to make valid the said deed;
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the said deed of manumission from Cornelius R.
Deed confirmed