CHAP. 195.
remedy therefor by distress in the cases and in the man-
ner now allowed by law.
O. Court first to
be satisfied
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That tlic Orphan's court,
before passing or allowing any such claim in the set-
tlement of the accounts of an administrator or executor,
shall be satisfied, on proof of that correctness of the
claim, and tuat a distress could be levied and maintain-
Executor may
ed therefor, but nothing in this act contained shall be
construed to compel an administrator or executor, to
pay any such claim, although passed by the Orphans'
Court, if he shall think proper to dispute said claim.
Passed Mat-15,
An act to incorporate the Vestry of the Lutheran Church
in Cumberland, Allegany county.
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assem-
bly, by the petition of the Vestry of the Lutheran
Church in Cumberland, Allcgany county, that the bene-
fit of said congregation would be much promoted by an
act of incorporation; — Therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Martin Rizer, Jonathan Butler, Jo-
nathan Wilt, Jacob Rizer, Emanuel Easter, John
Wolfe and George Blocher, they being the present offi-
cers and vestry of said congregation, and their suc-
cessors, to be elected agreeably to the rules and regu-
lations of said church, shall be and are hereby created
and declared to be a body politic and corporate, by the
name, style and title of the Vestry of the Lutheran
Church, and by the same name shall have .perpetual
Powers granted
succession, and shall be able to sue and be sued, im-
plead and be impleadcd, in any court of law or equity
in this State or elsewhere, and to make and have, a
common seal, and the same to break, alter or renew
at their pleasure, and also to ordain and establish such
by-laws and ordinnnces as shall appear necessary for
regulating the temporal concerns of said church, not
Acts and deed,
being repugnant to this act or to the laws of this state,
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all acts or deeds of
the said corporation, shall be signed by the vestry, or
a majority of them, in behalf of the corporation, and