eighteen hundred and thirty-two, chapter two hundred
and fifty-seven, entitled, an act for the re-assessment
and re-valuation of the real and personal property in
Prince George's county, and if any person or persons
shall apprehend themselves injured by said valuation
and assessment of his, her or their property, and shall
thereof complain to the said levy court, they shall at
the time of their sitting to hear appeals and make trans-
CHAP. 162
fers, examine any person on oath or affirmation touch-
ing the particulars and value of said property, and up-
on due examination or knowledge thereof, abate or in
crease the said valuation, and shall cause their clerk
to alter and correct the same according to such abate-
ment or increase; provided, the party complaining as
Examine on
Abate or in-
aforesaid, shall pay and defray all the cost and expenses
attending such appeal or transfer.
Cost of appeal
An act, entitled, an act relating to the Election Districts
in Baltimore County.
Passed Mar. 10
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all that part of the sixth election district in said
county, not included within the limits of Carroll coun-
ty, commencing at the point where the north line of
Carroll county intersects the line of the fifth election
district of Baltimore county, and running with said
line until it intersects what is usually denominated the
black rock road, and running with said road until it
intersects the north line of the fifth election district
aforesaid, shall be included in and form a part of the
fifth election district, and that all the remainder of the
sixth election district aforesaid not included within the
limits of Carroll county, shall be attached to and form
a part of the thirteenth election district, and it shall and
may be lawful for all voters residing within the limits
of said district as now designated, to vote at the place
of holding elections in said districts, any law to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Election dis-
tricts regulated