CHAP. 161.
Notice thereof
Allegany county, and the said clerk shall immediately
cause notice to be given of the places of holding said
elections, in the newspapers printed in Cumberland,
Allegany county, not less than ten days previous to
holding the next elections in said county.
Judges of elec-
SEC. 5.Alnd be it enacted, That in case the commis-
sioners, who are authorised to lay off said district, shall
lay off the same as is required by the act in the preamble
recited, it shall be the duty of the commissioners of
Allegany county to appoint three suitable persons to
act as judges of elections in the said district, who shall
have, hold and exercise the same powers as other judges
of the elections in Allegany county now exercise and
Elect county
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the citizens of each
of said districts shall elect one person as a commissioner
of Allegany county, in the. manner pointed out by the
act of Assembly, passed in the year eighteen hundred
and twenty-nine, chapter twenty-five, and shall be sub-
ject to all the powers and restrictions therein men-
Passed Msr. 10,
An act to change the times of holding the Levy Court of
Prince George's county, for the purpose of hearing
appeals and making transfers, and for other purposes.
Time of meet,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That after the year eighteen hundred and
thirty-seven, the levy court of Prince George's county
shall meet on the first Monday in April in each and
every year, for the purpose of hearing appeals and
making transfers of property, and shall continue in
session for twelve days successively, exclusive of Sun-
Appeals on
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That from and after the
passage of this act the levy court of said county be, and
they are hereby authorised and empowered to hear and
determine the complaint and appeals of any person or
persons, who may think themselves agrieved by the
assessment and valuation of the real and personal pro-
perty of said county, under and by virtue of the act of