SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That as soon as this act
shall have been accepted, in the manner hereinbefore
provided, the charter of the said bank of Salisbury
shall be deemed thereby, and in virtue thereof, to be
changed or modified, so far as the several provisions
of the act are repugnant to or intended to change or
modify any of the provisions of the act, entitled, an
act to incorporate a bank to be called by the name of
the Bank of Salisbury.
CHAP. 160.
Charter modi-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That this charter is here-
by continued and extended to the year eighteen hun-
dred and fifty-five, and until the end of the session of
the General Assembly thereafter.
Extended to
An act relating to Elections in Allcgany county.
WHEREAS, by an act passed in the year eighteen
hundred and thirty -five, chapter forty-four, of the acts
of the General Assembly of Maryland, it is among
other things provided that the commissioners therein
mentioned should forthwith review the election district
number one, in Allcgany county, and in their discre-
tion make such alteration therein as better to subserve
the convenience of the inhabitants thereof; and whereas,
there is no provision in said act for the election of com-
missioners of Allegaiiy county, — Therefore:
Passed Mar. 10
SECTION 1l. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the additional district, when laid
off as in said act provided, shall be known by number
ten, and the said district when laid off shall be entitled
to all the rights and privileges as is now secured to
the other election districts in said county.
District No. 10
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
named in said act, or a majority of them, shall have,
and are hereby vested with full power to fix the places
of holding the polls of that portion of the district num-
ber one, so laid off, as well as that portion remaining,
and it shall be the duty of said commissioners to make
Place of holding
elections in
No 1 and 10
return to the clerk of Allegany county of the place so
fixed upon by them, to be recorded in the records oi
Return and re-