thereof, or satisfaction for the same, to the best of his
knowledge and belief.
CHAP. 154.
An to act authorise the Treasurer of the Western Shore
to sell the State's right to subscribe for Jive thousand
shares of Capital Stock of the Merchants' Bank of
Baltimore, and for other purposes.
Passed Mar. 9,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Treasurer for the Western Shore
be, and lie is hereby authorised, to sell and transfer to
the Merchants Bank of Baltimore, the right of this
State to subscribe for five thousand shares of the capi-
tal stock of the Merchants Bank of Baltimore, upon
Authority to sell
such teams and conditions as in his discretion may
seem most advantageous to this State; provided, that
he shall obtain therefor not less than twenty-five thou-
Limit of price.
sand dollars, and the said sum of money when receiv-
ed, shall be applied by him to the payment of the ordi-
nary expenses of the government.
Apply proceeds
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if the said Trea-
surer should be unable to make sale of the State's right
to subscribe for capital stock of the Merchants Bank
of Baltimore, at such sum, and upon such terms as to
him may seem expedient, on or before the tenth day of
If not sold
March, instant, the said Treasurer, on behalf of this
State, shall on that day subscribe on the books of the
said bank, for five thousand shares of the capital stock
of the said bank, and at the time of making the said
Subscription for
stock diiected
subscription, he shall pay to the said bank, on account
thereof, the sum of fifty thousand dollars, the said pay-
ment to be made out of the monies already received on
account of this State's share of the surplus revenue of
the United States.
And payment
SEC. S. And be it enacted. That if the said Trea-
surer shall subscribe for capital stock of the Mer-
chants Bank of Baltimore, as is provided for in and
by the next preceding section, he shall be and hereby
is authorised to sell and transfer the said capital stock
so subscribed, entire or in parcels, whenever he shall
Authorised to
sell said stock