CHAP. 144.
as the case may be, that they will faithfully execute
the trust hereby reposed in them, without favor, par-
tiality or affection.
Plat— record
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners shall cause to be made out plots of the lots of
ground so surveyed, laid out and condemned, to be by
them lodged in the office of the clerk of Worcester
county, as authentic evidence of said survey and con-
SEC. 3. And be if enacted, That the said commission-
ers, or a majority of them, shall value and assess the
damages sustained by any person or persons whose lands
may be affected by such survey and condemnation, and
the damages so assessed, together with all the neces-
sary expenses incurred for survey, laying out and con-
demning said lot of ground, shall be returned by said
commissioners to the levy court of Worcester county,
to be by them levied and assessed on the assessable
property of said county.
Passed Mar. 9,
An act for keeping in repair the public Roads in Prince
George's county.
WHEREAS, the citizens of Prince George's county
are subject to great inconvenience by the present mode
of keeping in repair the public roads of said county,
and are desirous that some other mode be adopted : —
Contract autho-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
the levy court of said county shall have power and
authority to contract with some suitable person or per-
sons, for keeping in repair, during the whole year, the
public roads in said county, and to allow to such per-
son or persons such compensation therefor as they may
deem reasonable, to be levied and collected as other
county charges are, the person or persons so contract-
ing, to keep in repair the several public roads, to give
bond with security, to be approved by the levy court,
under such penalty as they may prescribe, for the
faithful performance of his or their contract