Place of elec-
persons elected, to the clerk of Washington county, to
be by him safe kept.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said justices of
the peace shall have power to fix upon the place of hold-
ing the first election; and that all future elections shall
Future elec-
be held and conducted in such manner, and at such
place, as shall from time to time be directed by the by-
laws of the said corporation, the same not being incon-
sistent with the provisions of this act.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the burgess shall pre-
side at all meetings of the municipality, and shall have
the privilege of the casting vote only; and in his ab-
Assistant Bur-
sence the assistant burgess shall preside, under the same
restrictions; but when the burgess is present, the as-
sistant burgess shall have the same power and authori-
ty as one of the commissioners.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the burgess and
commissioners aforesaid, or a majority of them, may
meet together from time to time, as often as occasion
may require, upon the business of the town, and not less
than once in every three months; and if during the
year for which they may be elected, the burgess, as-
sistant burgess, or any of the commissioners, should
die, resign, remove from said town, or be from any
cause disqualified, an election to fill such vacancy shall
be held, of which ten days notice shall be given, at
which all persons specified in the second section of this
act, shall be entitled to vote; and if at any election a
choice of burgess, assistant burgess and commission-
Case of a tie
ers, should fail to be made, by a tie or equality of votes,
a second election shall be held, after not less than ten
days notice, and so on until such choice be made, al-
ways confining the choice to be made to those who may
have such equality of votes; and that the burgesses and
commissioners aforesaid, for the time being, shall con-
tinue in office until their successors be duly elected.
Clerk- his du-
ties &c.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the burgesses and
commissioners aforesaid, shall have power to appoint a
clerk and assign his duties, and allow him such com-
pensation for his services as they shall think proper and
Tight; and that all ordinances passed by the said bur-
gesses and commissioners, shall by their clerk, be en-
tered in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and
shall be open at all times for the inspection of any