that portion of ground contained within the foregoing
limits, metes and bounds, except the power of taxation,
as they now have or hereafter may have over any por-
tion within the present corporate limits of said town,
any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
CHAP. 141.
An act to Incorporate the town of Clear Spring and its
additions, in Washington county.
Passed Feb. 24,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Clear Spring and its additions shall
be, and are hereby constituted an incorporate town,
Corporate pow-
ers granted.
and the inhabitants thereof constituted a body politic
and incorporate, by the name of the Burgess and Com-
missioners of Clear Spring, and as such shall have
perpetual succession, and by their incorporate name
may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in the
several courts of this State, and may have and use a
common seal, and may alter and change the same at
their pleasure.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the free white male
citizens of Clear Spring aforesaid, of the same qualifi-
cation for voters as at the county elections, be authoris-
ed to elect on the first Monday of March, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-seven, and on the first Monday of
January forever thereafter, the burgess, assistant bur-
gess and five commissioners for the said town, who
shall be inhabitants thereof above twenty-one years of
Annual elec-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That two justices of the
peace for the time being and residing in said town, shall
appoint by writing under their hands and seals three
judges to hold the first election, who shall keep the
polls open from ten o'clock in the morning until four in
the evening, and shall conduct the said election in the
manner in which the judges of elections are now by law
directed to conduct an election for delegates to the
General Assembly, so far is the same may be consistent
with the provisions of this act, and the said judges
shall make return under their bands and seals of the
First election