CHAP. 140,
necessary and proper for the public safety and conve-
Return proceed
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That whenever said com-
missioners, or a majority of them, shall have altered,
changed and amended said road, that they shall make
return of their proceedings to the commissioners of
Allegany county.
Recorded, and
kept a. public
SEC. 8. And be if enacted, That the said county com-
missioners are hereby directed and required, to place,
the said road so altered and amended, on the books of
said county, and that it he kept in repair in the same
manner that other roads in said county, are now kept
in repair.
Consent require
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said alterations,
changes and amendments in said road, shall not be
made without the consent of the owner or owners of
such land, through which it is proposed to pass, and
all to be made without any charge to Allegany county.
Passed Mar. 6,
A further additional supplement to the act, entitled,
an act, to alter and change the name of Elizabeth
Town, in Washington county, to Hagerstown, and to
Incorporate the same.
Limits extend-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act
the limits of the corporation of Hagerstown, shall be
further extended and enlarged in the following manner:
beginning oh the West side of the Williamsport and
Hagerstown Turnpike Road, one perch South of the
marsh run, and running thence parallel with said run,
one perch south of the margin thereof, to the East side
of the Boonsboro and Hagerstown Turnpike road,
thence with said road Northwardly, until it strikes the
Southwestern limits of the present lines of the corpora-
tion, thence with those lines Westwardly, to the West
side of the aforesaid Williamsport and Hagerstown
Turnpike Road, thence with said road to the place of
Police authority
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Moderator and
Commissioners of Hagerstown for the time being shall
have and exercise the same power and authority over