usually allowed to collectors for collecting county
taxes, which said assessment so as aforesaid to be made
and levied, shall be collected by the collector of the
county for the time being in the same manner that other
public charges are by law collected, and the said sums
CHAP. 139.
How collected
of money when so as aforesaid respectively collected,
shall be paid by such collector to the aforesaid com-
missioners of the tax or their order or orders, and the
commissioners of the tax aforesaid are hereby autho-
rised and required to receive and apply the same to the
uses and purposes by this act directed; and the said
Paid over
commissioners of the tax shall receive no pecuniary
compensation whatever for the discharge of the duties
required of them by this act over and above their per
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That until the erection
of the gaol aforesaid, and its completion, the commis-
sioners of the tax of Carroll county are hereby directed
and required to contract for and provide at the county
charge, a suitable and substantial building in or near
the town of Westminster, to be used and considered as
the common gaol of said county to all intents and pur-
An act to filter, change and amend a certain Road in
Allegeny County.
Parsed Feb. 18,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Benjamin Tomlinson, Thomas
Greaves, Peter Kreighbaum, Thomas J. McEaig, Pe-
ter Smith, Gustavus Beall and Joseph Dilley, be and
they, or a majority of them, are hereby appointed,
Persons empow-
authorised and empowered, to alter, change and amend
a certain road in Allegany county, beginning for the
same, at or near a Blacksmith shop, on the line be-
tween the farms of Gustavus Beall and John M. Buch-
anan, and thence running along the waters of Wills'
creek, in the direction of Cumberland, in such manner
and at such places, as the said commissioners may deem