CHAP. 138.
Passed Mar. 4,
An act to provide for the building of a Court House,
Clerk's Office, Register's Office, Gaol, and Poor's
Souse, in Carroll county.
Select sites
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the commissioners of the tax in and
for Carroll county be, and they are hereby authorised
and directed to select sites for the erection thereon of a
court house, clerk's office, register's office, gaol, and
a poor's house in said county, and on the part of said
Make contracts
county to contract, agree for and purchase the land ne-
cessary for the erection thereon of said buildings, and
also to contract, agree and pay for and superintend the
Cost limited
erection and construction of said buildings; provided
nevertheless, that the whole cost of the said land and
Levy limited
buildings shall not exceed the sum of twenty thousand
dollars, and provided also, that the said commissioners
for the purposes of this act, shall not levy more than
four thousand dollars for any one year; and the said
court house, clerk's office, register's office, gaol, and
for those pur-
poor's house when erected, finished and completed shall
be used, taken, held and deemed to be the proper court
house, clerk's office, register's office, gaol, and poor's
house of Carroll county, and provided also, that said
commissioners procure a site or sites for said court
house, clerk's office, register's office, and gaol at the
town of Westminster in said county.
Levy $4,000
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners
of the tax for Carroll county are hereby authorised,
directed and required to assess and levy on the proper-
ty of said county at the time of levying their public
levies in each and in every year, for five years annual-
ly, the sum of four thousand dollars, until they have
levied in the whole the sum of twenty thousand dollars,
the whole of which if in their opinion deemed necessary
First levy
may be by them applied to the erection and establish-
ment of the aforesaid public buildings, and the first levy
shall be made during the present year, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-seven, and so on for each consecutive
year until the whole twenty thousand dollars shall be
levied, together with the collectors commission for col-
lecting the same, which commission shall be such as is