such vacancy at their next meeting, after having been
notified of such vacancy or vacancies.
Passed Mar 6,
An act authorizing the Levy Court of Frederick Coun-
ty, in their discretion, to Levy a sum of money to
build a Bridge over Catoctin Creek, on the Public
Soad, from Jefferson via Frederick Hemp's Mill, and
intersecting the Petersville and Middle Town Road.
Levy authorial
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Judges of the Levy Court of
Frederick county, be, and they are hereby authorised
and empowered in their discretion to levy a sum of
money not exceeding one thousand dollars, on t!ie as-
sessable property in said county, for the purpose of
building a bridge over Catactin Creek on the public
road leading from Jefferson via Frederick Hemp's
Mill, and intersecting the Petersville and Middle-town
Contract, &c.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the Levy court
aforesaid, be, and the same is hereby authorized to
contract with any person or persons to build said bridge,
and are required to take bond or bonds with sufficient
security from any contractor or contractors for the
faithful performance of their cents act in the usual form.
Passed Mar. 7,
An act for the relief of Daniel Watters, of Earford
Authority to
confirm a sale
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Harford County Court, be, and it is hereby au-
thorized on the petition of Daniel Watters, to confirm
a sale made by the heirs of Archer Hays, to him, of a
piece or parcel of land lying in said county, on the
north side of Thomas Run, and containing forty acres
more or less, so far as to pass to the said Watters all
the right of Ellen Davis, an infant, entitled to the one
ninth of said land, on the payment of the purchase mo-
ney with interest from the date of the contract made