CHAP. 131
lay out land
does require that a public landing should be estab-
lished at or near said ship yard, and a public road lo-
cated and opened to said landing, and if in the opinion
of the said commissioners, or a majority of them, the
public convenience does require that a public landing
should he established, and a road located and opened
from the said landing to the aforementioned Wheat-
tleysburg, they or a majority of them shall lay out a
quantity of land for a public landing place, on the said
Northwest Fork river, at or near the aforementioned
place, not exceeding one acre, and open a road from
said landing to the aforementioned Wheatleysburg, in
such manner as they or a majority of them may think
most conducive to the public benefit; and the said com-
Return plat
Estimate dama-
missioners, or a majority of them, are hereby required
to return a plot of said landing place and road to the
clerk of Dorchester county, there to be recorded, to-
gether with an estimate of the damages sustained by
any person or persons whose land may be taken, laid
out and appropriated as aforesaid.
Report to Levy
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if the said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, shall be of opinion that
the public convenience clues require that a landing
should be established at or near the aforementioned
place, and a road located and opened as aforesaid, they
shall report in writing to the levy court of Dorchester
county, and if the levy court, or a majority of them,
shall approve of such opinion, the court is hereby em-
Levy directed
powered and directed to assess and levy the amount of
such damages as shall he ascertained by the commis-
sioners aforesaid, which sum of money shall be levied,
collected and paid over as other county charges are
levied, collected and paid over.
If not required
SEC. 3. And be if enacted. That if the commission-
ers aforesaid, or a majority of them, shall be of opi-
nion that the public convenience docs not require that
a landing place should be. established at the aforemen-
tioned place, and a road located and opened, they shall
report such opinion in writing to the levy court afore-
said, and each of the commissioners hereby appointed,
shall have an allowance of two dollars per day for
each and every day's attendance in discharge of the
duties herein required, to be levied, collected and paid