out a plat of that part of the road through Montgome-
ry county, and return the same to the clerk of the
county court of Montgomery county, to be recorded
among the records of said county, they shall also in
like manner make out a plat of that part of the road
which passes through Anne Arundel county, and re-
turn the same to the clerk of Anne Arundel county
CHAP. 123.
court, to be recorded among the records of said coun-
ty, and the road when so opened shall be thereafter
deemed to be a public road forever, and shall be kept
in repair, in the same manner as other public roads
are directed to be kept in said counties; provided, that
Public Road
as far as the said road passes through Anne Arun-
del county, it shall be located upon the route hereto-
fore surveyed and located by Henry Wayman, Charles
D. Warfield and Edward Warfield, under a commis-
sion from Anne Arundel county court, returned to
said court in the month of April, eighteen hundred
and thirty.
Proviso— part
in A. A. co.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the expenses of sur-
veying and opening that part of said road in Mont-
gomery county shall be paid by Montgomery county,
the expenses of surveying and opening that part of
said road in Anne Arundel county, by Anne Arundel
county, and the levy courts or commissioners of said
counties as the case may be, are hereby authorised and
required, on receiving from the commissioners ap-
pointed for each county respectively, or a majority of
Expenses ap-
them, an account on oath or affirmation of the said ex-
penses, including an allowance of two dollars per day
to the commisssioners for their services, to levy the
same on the assessable property of said counties re-
spectively, to be collected as other county charges are
now collected.
Accounts on
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners or a majority of them shall value and ascertain
the damages that may be sustained by any persons
through whose land the said road may pass, taking in-
to consideration the advantages and disadvantages, if
any, and the damages so ascertained, shall be levied
and assessed as other county charges in said counties
Ascertain dama-
are, and shall be paid by the counties wherein such
damages may be sustained, to the persons thereunto
entitled; provided, that if any owner or owners of the