CHAP. 123.
and the said Alexander Todd and the said Margaret
Todd, are hereby declared to be divorced a vinculo
Passed Mar. 8
An act to Limit the time for which Tobacco Inspectors
shall continue to hold their offices.
Five years
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the first day June
next, any person who shall have been or who may
hereafter be appointed a Tobacco Inspector in this
State, and who shall have served or who may hereafter
serve in said office, for the term of five years succes-
sively, shall not be eligible to said office again for the
space of one year, and it shall not be lawful for the
Governor and Council after said day to re-appoint any
such person a Tobacco Inspector, provided nothing
herein is meant or intended to prohibit the Governor
and Council from appointing said officers annually as
heretofore, for five years successively.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
shall be construed to extend to the inspectors of tobac-
co in the several county warehouses.
Passed Mar. 3,
An act to authorise the laying out and opening a Eoad
through a part of Anne Arundel and Montgomery
to lay out, &c.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Nathan Shipley, and Eli G. Warfield
of Anne Arundel county, and Joshua Hilton, of Mont-
gomery county, be, and they are hereby appointed com-
missioners to survey, lay out and open a road, not ex-
ceeding thirty feet in width, in the best and straight-
est direction, taking all circumstances into considera-
tion, from the old Quaker road, near the dwelling of
Henry Griffith, of Lyde, Esquire, in Montgomery
county, to Lisbon in Anne Arundel county, and the
same commissioners or a majority of them, shall make