am W'. Handy., Henry P. C. Wilson, John Dennis,
George Dasliiell, Theodore G. Dashiell, John W. B.
Pat-sons, William L. Jones, William M. Jones, Samuel
W. Jones, George Handy, Samuel J. K. Handy, Wil-
liam H. Curtis, John Sanders, John Leatherbury, and
such other persons as may be allowed, by a majority
of them to join in the enterprise, to build and cause to
be constructed on and adjoining to the public landing
on the south side of Wicomico river, near White Ha-
ven, a wharf for the accommodation of steam-boats and
other vessels.
CHAP, 14.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said wharf shall
be deemed personal property, and shall belong to the
contributors to its construction, as tenants in common
according to the sum by each contributed.
Personal pro,
SEC. S. And be it farther enacted, That the Levy :
Court of Somerset county, shall have full power to
make the said wharf public property, at any time, by
paying the several contributors the several sums of
money by each contributed, and to levy the same on
the county; and when so made public property, the said
Levy Court, and their successors, shall have all the
rights of the original contributors, and may rent or
lease the same at their pleasure, for any time not ex-
ceeding one year for any one contract; provided never-
theless, they sliall not sell the same.
Power to make
it a public
A supplement to the act, entitled, an act to authorise
William Krebs, Rchard Linthicum and Wtlliam
Linthicum, to build a bridge over Gwyn's Falls, at
or near where the present bridge stands, known by the
name of the Long Bridge.
Passed Jan. 11.
Be it enacted by the. General Assembly of Maryland
That nothing in the act to which this is a supplement,
shall be so construed'as to give to the corporate autho-
rities of the city of Baltimore, the right to take the
bridge therein named from the said Richard and Wil-
liam Linthicuin, their heirs or assigns, without pay-
mnrtt of the cost of said bridge, as well as the expen-
which they have now or may hereafter incur in