the registers of this precinct the following entries ap-
pear with reference to him: Name..................
age................... color.............. residence
..................... nativity............... time of
residence in precinct................... time of resi-
dence in county (or city)................... time of
residence in State....................... naturalized
.............. date of papers................. court
................... qualified voter..................
date of application......................
Board of Supervisors of Elections (or of Registry. )
The foregoing certificate shall be granted by the
Board of Registry when in session, or by the Board of
Supervisors of Elections prior to said session of the
Board of Registry under the following regulations, that
is to say: If at the time application for said removal
certificate is made the name of the said voter is already
erased from the registry, then it shall be the duty of
the said Board of Supervisors or the said Board of
Registry to grant the certificate to the voter himself or
to any other person making application therefor. But
if at the time such application is made the name of the
voter be still upon the registry of voters as a qualified
voter, the removal certificate shall be granted and the
name stricken off only upon the personal application of
such voter to the Board of Supervisors or to the said
Board of Registry, and after his taking and subscribing
on oath substantially as follows.: "I,....... do solemnly
swear (or affirm) that I now reside at................
in................. county; that I am the same person
who is entered by that name as a qualified voter in the
registers of the............ precinct of..............
county; that I have removed from the said last men-
tioned residence and I do request that the proper entries
and records be made, and that my name be erased from
the registers of said last mentioned precinct, and that a
certificate of removal be furnished me at this time. "
The foregoing affidavit shall be written or printed on
the back of such certificate of removal, and when pre-
sented to the Board of Registry of the precinct in which