respective Boards of Supervisors. The law with respect
to notice of the location of polling places 'shall apply to
those established under the provisions of this Section,
except that the notice, in the case of additional polling
places, established in the year 1920, and additional
judges and clerks authorized herein, shall be as adequate
as possible, and existing provisions of law shall not
apply. It shall be the duty of the Boards of Supervis-
ors to locate the polling places in any one precinct as
close together as possible, so as to minimize any incon-
venience to voters.
SECTION 4. And be it further enacted, That Section
31 of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland,
title "Elections, " be and the same is hereby repealed
and re-enacted with amendments, so as to read as
31. Before every November election held in the
counties between the general registration hereinbefore
provided for the last general registration shall be re-
vised by the Board of Registry of each precinct where
such election is to be held; and for that purpose the
Board of Registry shall meet on the Tuesdays, respec-
tively, five and four weeks preceding the regular fall
election, and shall hold a session from 9 o'clock
A. M. to 9 o'clock P. M., and names may be added
on the registers in the same way, upon sworn applica-
tion, as in the case of a general registration, and all the
same forms and requirements shall be observed. If it
shall appear that any applicant has been upon the reg-
istry in any other precinct of any county at any time
since the beginning of the last general registration for
such precinct, his name shall not be added to the reg-
istry where application is made until he produces a
certificate of removal given him by the Board of Su-
pervisors of said county or by the Board of Registry for
such other precincts, which certificate shall be in sub-
stance as follows: "........... precinct,...........
ward or county. This is to certify that the name of
................ heretofore residing at............. in
this precinct, has been stricken from the registry of the
precinct and the proper erasure made, and that upon