such applicant resides, it shall be taken by such board
and returned to the office of Supervisors of Elections.
When such certificate shall be granted, either by the
Board of Registry or by the Supervisors of Elections, as
the case may be, the name of such applicant shall be
erased from the registers of the precinct from which he
SECTION 5. And be it further enacted, That Section
63 of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland,
title "Elections", be and the same is hereby repealed
and re-enacted with amendments, so as to read as
63. The polling places shall be opened by the judges
of election at 6 o'clock A. M. in the City of Baltimore,
and in the counties, and shall be kept open until 7 o 'clock
P. M. of the same day, at which time the polls shall be
closed. If any judge or clerk shall not be present at the
expiration of fifteen minutes after the time for opening
the polls the judge or judges present shall fill the place
of such absent judge or clerk by appointing in his stead
a person of the same political party as the absentee.
One of the judges shall administer to such substitute the
oath required of the judge or clerk originally appointed.
After the opening of the polls no judge or clerk shall ab-
sent himself therefrom until all the ballots cast shall
have been counted and the returns completed. If, in case
of absolute necessity, any judge or clerk in attendance
shall be compelled to absent himself, he shall appoint
some fit person of the same political party with himself
to act in his stead until his return, having first adminis-
tered to such substitute the same oath as he himself has
taken. Blank forms for the appointment of the substi-
tute judges and clerks and the oath aforesaid shall be
supplied by the supervisors, and the oath, when admin-
istered, shall be preserved and returned by the judges to
the supervisors. The appointment and swearing in of
all such substitutes and the reason therefor, and the time
when such substitute began and ceased to serve shall
be noted by the judges in the poll book of the precinct;
such substitute shall cease to act whenever the judge or
clerk in whose stead he was appointed shall be present.