33, to be known as Section 127-A, and to rend as follows:
127-A. The Board of Supervisors of Elections of
Baltimore City shall have power and the Boards of Su-
pervisors of Elections of the several counties are direct-
ed whenever more than 800 persons are registered in
any one election precinct or in any election district which
may not be divided into election precincts, to provide
one additional polling place in each such election pre-
cinct or district; and whenever the several Boards of
Supervisors of Elections shall designate an additional
polling place in any election precinct or in any elec-
tion district not divided into precincts, they shall
appoint judges and clerks of elections therefor, as
in this article provided, who shall have all the pow-
ers, perform all the duties, be subject to all the respon-
sibilities, and be liable to all the penalties prescribed in
this Article for judges and clerks of elections. When-
ever an additional polling place is provided for any such
election precinct or election district, it shall be the duty
of the Board of Supervisors of Elections to cause an
additional set or sets of books to be prepared containing
the names of registered voters transcribed from the
original books. One set of books shall contain the names
of voters whose surnames begin with the letter "A",
down to and including those whose surnames begin with
the letter" M". The other set of books shall contain the
names of registered voters whose surnames begin with
the letter "N, " down to and including those whose sur-
names begin with the letter "Z". One set of books shall
be used in each of the polling places designated as pro-
vided for in this Section. All of the members of the
Boards of Supervisors of the Counties or the City of
Baltimore, as the case may be, shall sign their names
to the books which contain the names copied from the
original books for such polling places, in the hands of
such Supervisors, and shall duly certify that said sets of
books, so copied, contain all the names of the persons
entitled to vote in such election precinct or district, such
said certification shall appear on the blank line next fol-
lowing the last name in each letter of the alphabetical
list of names in the new books so transcribed, and such
said certification shall be attested by the Clerk to the