precinct, and registration district, herein to be construed
provided by Section 355 of this Act. The words, ward,
precinct, and registration district, herein to be construed
as convertible terms.
Section 159B. The Governor shall by and with the ad-
vice and consent of the Senate, on of before the first Mon-
day in March, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-
six, and on or before the third Monday in February, in the
year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and on or before
the third Monday in February, bi-ennially thereafter ap-
point one person as officer of registration in each regis-
tration district or precinct of the City of Hagerstown,
who shall be resident of the district or precinct for which
he or she is appointed, and the said officer of registration
shall register in books to be prepared for the purpose, all
citizens above the age of twenty-one years, who shall have
the requisite qualifications to entitle them to vote for
Mayor. Every (male) person who shall have resided in
the State of Maryland and in said Hagerstown for twelve
months and in the ward or precinct wherein lie offers to
register six months next preceding the election, shall be
entitled to be registered provided always, that when any
person shall be legally registered in any of said wards or
precincts and shall remove therefrom to any other of said
wards or precincts and remain therein, he or she shall be
entitled to have his or her name remain upon the registry
list oi the ward or precinct to which he or she shall re-
move, as aforesaid, and to vote therein until he or she
shall reside in the ward or precinct to which he or she
shall have removed and remain therein a sufficient time to
entitle him or her to register therein. And the Governor
shall, on or before the first Monday in March, 1921, ap-
point in audition, one person as officer of registration in
each precinct of the City of Hagerstown wherein any
election is held in the year 1921, who shall possess the
same qualifications with similar powers and responsibili-
ties as other officers of registration as set forth in this
section and all other sections of the Charter of Hagers-
town. And wherever in the Charter of Hagerstown or
any of the amendments thereto, the word he occurs, it
shall be construed as including the word she, or wherever
in said charter or any of the amendments thereto, the