along the middle of North Potomac Street, southwardly
to the place of beginning.
For Ward Number Four: Beginning at the intersec-
tion of the middle of North Potomac Street with Franklin
Street, and running thence, northwardly, along the mid-
dle of North Potomac Street and Potomac Avenue and
Potomac Avenue Extended and the Hagerstown-Leiters-
burg Turnpike to the northern boundary of the City;
thence with the north and east boundary lines of the City,
eastward and southward, to intersect a straight line
drawn along the middle of Valentine Street and Valen-
tine Street Extended, thence along the northern boundary
line of Ward Number Three, to the place of beginning.
For Ward Number Five: Beginning at the intersec-
tion of the middle of North Potomac Street with the Mid-
dle of Franklin Street, and running thence, northward,
along the middle of North Potomac Street, and Potomac
Avenue and Potomac Avenue Extended, and the Hagers-
town-Leitersburg Turnpike to the northern boundary
of the city; thence along the north and west boundary
lines of the city, westward and southward, to the north
boundary line of Ward Number One; thence along the
north boundary line of Ward Number One to the place of
And the Mayor and Council of Hagerstown is hereby
authorized, empowered and directed by ordinance to sub-
divide all or any of said Wards into as many Precincts as
may be necessary to better facilitate the registration of
the qualified voters of said city, setting forth in said ordi-
nance the metes and bounds, courses and distances of said
Section 159A. For the purpose of registering the vot-
ers qualified to vote at municipal elections in the City of
Hagerstown, said City of Hagerstown shall be divided
into five registration districts, to be named respectively,
the first, second, third, fourth and fifth registration dis-
tricts of Hagerstown. The first registration district shall
comprise ward number one in said City of Hagerstown,
the second, ward number two; the third, ward number
three; the fourth, ward number four; the fifth, ward num-