for the several terms aforesaid and until their successors
shall have been duly elected and qualified, unless other-
wise terminated by operation of law. The Mayor and all
councilmen shall retain throughout their respective terms
of office all the qualifications necessary for their election
and their failure to retain all such qualifications shall
IPSO FACTO cause a forfeiture of their respective offices.
No persons shall be eligible as Mayor or Councilmen ex-
cept those, who upon the day of election, shall be citizens
of the United States, and of the State of Maryland, reg-
istered voters of said State and of the town of Hyatts-
ville, actual bona fide residents of the town of Hyatts-
ville, in the sense that they have had no home elsewhere,
for the period of two years immediately next preceding
the day of the election, and in the case of Councilmen, resi-
dents of the ward from which they shall be elected, and
shall be assessed upon the assessment books of said town
for improved real estate, located in said town, used for
business or residential purposes, of the total value for
both land and improvements of at least one thousand
Neither the Mayor nor any of the Councilmen shall
hold any other office under the corporation during their
respective terms of office, neither shall they nor any other
officer of the corporation, either directly or indirectly
through the medium or agency of other persons, enter
into any contract or contracts with the corporation.
Section 2C. That there shall be a general registration
in each ward of said town in the month of April, 1921,
and thereafter whenever the Mayor and Common Council
shall direct, of all persons who shall desire to vote in mu-
nicipal elections held in said town. The Mayor and Com-
mon Council shall also have power and are hereby di-
rected to provide for the annual registration oi: new vot-
ers and revision of the registration lists in the years be-
tween general registrations. No person shall be entitled
to register as a voter, however, unless at the time of the
application so to do, the applicant shall be at least twen-
ty-one years of age and possessed of all other qualifica-
tions that are necessary to entitle a person to register as
a voter of the State of Maryland, under the General Elec-