tion Laws. The registration of voters shall be made on
such day or (lays, between such hours as the Mayor and
Common Council may appoint. in addition to the quali-
fications aforesaid every applicant to register as a voter
shall have had his actual residence in the town of Hyatts-
ville, in the sense that he has had no other home elsewhere
for the period of six months next preceding the day of
application to register and shall satisfy the registration
officers of that fact. If the applicant shall be registered
as a voter elsewhere in the State oi Maryland, he or she
shall not be permitted to register unless a certificate of
removal granted by the registration officers of such other
place be exhibited. The proceedings for the registration
of voters, except as herein otherwise provided, shall con-
form as nearly as may be possible to the proceedings for
the registration of voters under the general election laws
of this State. Transfers may be granted by the registra-
tion officers from one ward to another in said town upon
removal of the residence of the voter. Voters shall have
the same right as they now have under the general elec-
tion laws of this State, and any person who feels ag-
grieved by the action of the Board of Registration either
by refusing to register an applicant or in refusing to erase
from the register the name of any such suspected person
shall have the same right of appeal to the Circuit Court
for Prince George's County as now exists under the said
General Laws and the procedure in such cases shall be
the same and the Circuit Court lor said County is hereby
vested with jurisdiction and authority to hear and deter-
mine all such appeals. Act less than seven days notice of
the time and place and hours of registration shall be
given by the Mayor and Common Council in advance of
the first day fixed for such registration. When not in
actual use lor registration or election purposes the
books of registration shall be deposited in the custody of
the Treasurer of said town and shall be open to public in-
spection free of charge, subject, however, to such regula-
tions as the Mayor and Common Council may prescribe.
Section 2D. That all elections to till the offices of
Mayor, Councilman and Treasurer and for other pur-
poses, shall be by ballot and shall be held on the first Mon-
day in May in each year, except as otherwise provided by