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Session Laws, 1920 (Special Session)
Volume 536, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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five hundred dollars ($2, 500), one clerk at a salary of
two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars ($2, 250), two
clerks at a salary of two thousand dollars ($2, 000) each
per annum, two clerks at a salary of seventeen hundred
dollars ($1, 700) each per annum, two clerks at a salary
of sixteen hundred dollars ($1, 600) each per annum, two
clerks at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars ($1, 500)
each per annum, two clerks at a salary of fourteen hun-
dred dollars ($1, 400) each per annum. The said clerks,
and in the City of Baltimore, the chief clerk, and clerks,
shall be appointed by the respective boards of super-
visors and shall be removable by them in their discre-
tion. In Baltimore City, the chief clerk, with the ap-
proval of the supervisors, shall from time to time, secure
such temporary assistance as may be necessary for the
proper transaction of the business of the office, but the
compensation of such assistants to be paid by the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, upon requisition by the
said supervisors, shall not exceed the sum of three thou-
sand dollars ($3, 000) in any one year.

SECTION 9. And be it further enacted, That a new Sec-
tion be and the same is hereby added to Article 33 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland, said Section to follow im-
mediately after Section 118, to be known as Section 118A
and to read as follows:

118A. The compensation of all judges and clerks of
elections in the City of Baltimore and in the Counties
shall be increased two dollars ($2. 00) per day over and
above the amount now allowed and paid under existing
provisions of law. The Boards of Supervisors of Elec-
tions of the several counties shall have power, with the
consent of the County Commissioners to increase the
compensation of the -registration officials not more than
$2. 00 per day in addition to the amount now allowed and
paid under the existing provisions of law.

SECTION 10. And be it further enacted, That the ex-
penses incurred under the provisions of this Act for ad-
ditional registration days in the City of Baltimore and
in the Counties; and the expenses incurred in providing
for additional polling places and for the increase in the
pay of the Election Judges and Clerks, and for carrying


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Session Laws, 1920 (Special Session)
Volume 536, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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