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Session Laws, 1920 (Special Session)
Volume 536, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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such grounds of disqualification shall have been re-
moved. At the end of the day's registry said officers
shall compare the two registers so kept, and cause any
errors in either of them to be corrected, by aid of the en-
tries in the other, so as to make the same agree where
there is any difference between them. Each of the said
officers having the custody of any of said registers shall
then sign his name or initials immediately under the last
name registered under each lettor in the book kept by
him, so that no new names can be added without dis-
covery. The said Board of Registry shall keep, on
blanks to be provided for that purpose by the Board of
Supervisors of Elections, an alphabetical list of names,
addresses and color of all persons registered, and a sep-
arate list of all persons refused registration, and of all
persons whose names are erased from the registry. In
the City of Baltimore, at the end of each session, they
shall deliver these lists to the police officers on duty at
the registration office, and the list shall be delivered by
the said officer to the Police Board, and by the Police
Board to the Board of Supervisors of Elections, in the
forenoon of the day following the said sitting. The
Board of Supervisors for the City of Baltimore shall
then cause such list to be printed in handbill form, in
plain, long-primer type, and copies thereof posted with-
in three days after each session in such manner that they
may be easily read, in at least ten prominent places in
each precinct. Nothing in this Section 17 shall affect
the registration in the counties heretofore made under
this Article.

SECTION 8. And be it further enacted, That Section 6
of Article 33 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, title
"Elections, " be and the same is hereby repealed and re-
enacted with amendments, so as to read as follows:

6. The Board of Supervisors of Elections of the sev-
eral counties may have clerks, with the consent of the
County Commissioners, for their respective counties, at
such compensation as the said County Commissioners
may fix. The Supervisors of Election of the City of Bal-
timore shall have a chief clerk at a salary of three thou-
sand dollars ($3, 000), one clerk at a salary of twenty-


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Session Laws, 1920 (Special Session)
Volume 536, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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