or year stated by the applicant. (G) Under the column
"Naturalized, " the word "Yes" or "No" or "Native, "
as the facts may be. (H) Under the column "Date of
Naturalization, " the date of naturalization, if natural-
ized. No naturalization papers need be produced if a
majority of the board are satisfied that for three years
next preceding the applicant claiming to be naturalized
has been a registered voter in this State, and has actual-
ly voted on such previous registration; but they shall
note his answers to the questions, when and in what
Court he was naturalized, and also in the column headed
"Remarks" where and when he was so previously regis-
tered. In the case of a woman who claims citizenship by
marriage, the Board shall note the name of the person to
whom married and where and in what court he was
naturalized, or where previously registered. Under the
column headed "Remarks" they shall note whether the
applicant is male or female. (J) Under the column
naturalized, such naturalization was had. (E) Under
the column "Qualified Voter, " the word "Yes" if the
fact shall appear or be determined by a majority of the
Board of Registry, or the word "No, " if such fact be
not established to the satisfaction of the majority of the
Board. (L) Under the column "Date of Application, "
the month, day and year when the applicant presented
himself. (N) After the answers of the applicant to the
questions under the heads of each and all of the above
mentioned columns have been properly entered by the
officers in his presence in both registers, and not until
then he shall be asked to sign his name upon the same
line under the column "Signature, " in each of them,
and shall sign his name, if he can do so. If, however, he
shall state his inability to do so, or decline to do so, the
officers shall make the entry "Cannot Write, " or "De-
clines, " as the case may be, in the place for such signa-
ture. The Board of Registry shall be entitled to receive
from the officers having custody thereof the last preced-
ing registration books, for the purpose of comparison
and assistance in identification, and if anyone shall ap-
ply for registration who appeared in such former regis-
try as disqualified, his name shall be entered in the new-
register, but he shall be marked "Disqualified, " unless