SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Burgess and Commissioners of Williams-
port, in Washington County, in the State of Maryland, be and
they are hereby authorized to purchase from Potomac Fire
Company No. 1, of Williamsport, Maryland, all the real estate
within the corporate limits of Williamsport belonging to said
Potomac Fire Company No; 1 of Williamsport, Maryland,
consisting of a lot and parcel of ground, and the improvements
thereon, which was conveyed to the said Potomac Fire Com-
pany No. 1 of Williamsport, Maryland, by Charles Edward
Rickard by deed dated the 1st day of March A. D., 1907, and
recorded in Liber No. 125, folio 462 of the Land Records for
Washington County, in the State of Maryland, and which was
also conveyed to the said Potomac Fire Company No. 1 of
Williamsport, Maryland, by Aaron Lodge No. 33, Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, by deed bearing date the 25th day of
April, A. D., 1907, and recorded in Liber No. 127, folio 83
of the Land Records for Washington County, in the State of
Maryland, provided the said property can be purchased and a
deed secured therefor to the Burgess and Commissioners of
Williamsport for a sum not to exceed Six Hundred Dollars
($600. 00).
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Burgess and Commis-
sioners of Williamsport, in Washington County, in the State
of Maryland, be and they are hereby authorized and empow-
ered, provided they purchase the said property, to pay for
the same, either in whole or in part, out of any funds the said
Burgess and Commissioners may have in hand at the time of
said purchase, and not otherwise required to meet the expenses
of said town, but with the further provision that if sufficient
funds as above set forth are not available to pay for said prop-
erty, then the said Burgess and Commissioners of Williams-
port are hereby authorized and empowered at the next levy of
taxes made after the passage of this Act to levy and assess
upon the taxable property within the corporate limits of Wil-
liamsport, and upon the property having a situs therein for
the purpose of taxation, a sufficient sum of money to pay for
said property, authorized to be purchased under the provi-
sions of Section 1 hereof, or to pay the unpaid balance thereon,
with full power to collect said taxes as other taxes are collected,
and to devote the proceeds thereof to the purchase of the prop-
erty as aforesaid.