WHEREAS, The present Court House at Cumberland, Alle-
gany County, does not provide adequate facilities for the stor-
ing and safe keeping of the valuable County Records; and,
WHEREAS, Other additions to and improvements of the said
Court House are urgently needed; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the County Commissioners of Allegany Coun-
ty are authorized to adopt proper plans and specifications for
such additions to and improvements of the Court House at
Cumberland, Allegany County, as in their judgment are neces-
sary, and, after due advertisement for bids, to award the con-
tract or contracts to the lowest responsible bidders therefor;
and thereupon said County Commissioners shall advertise and
sell the bonds hereinafter described to the amount of $15, 000
or so much thereof as shall be necessary to provide for the
payment in full of the entire cost of said additions and im-
provements, but in no event shall bonds be issued and sold to
an amount exceeding $15, 000.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said County Commission-
ers are hereby authorized to borrow money on the credit of
said County by issuing and selling bonds under the corporate
Seal of said County Commissioners, to be signed by the Presi-
dent and countersigned by the Clerk thereof; said bonds shall
be issued in denominations of $100, $500, or $1000 each, as
shall seem most advisable to said County Commissioners; said
bonds shall be dated July 1st, 1916, and shall bear interest
from date, payable semi-annually, at a rate not exceeding 5%
to be determined by said County Commissioners; said bonds
shall have printed upon them a distinct reference to the act
directing their issuance and shall be designated "Allegany
County Court House Bonds, " and shall be exempt from munic-
ipal and county taxation in Allegany County.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said bonds shall be so
issued that a series of said bonds to the amount of $3000 shall
mature and become payable on July 1st, 1927, and a like
series of said bonds to the amount of $3000 on the 1st day of
July in each and every year thereafter, so that the last series
of said bonds shall fall due and become payable on July 1st,
1931; and said bonds shall be sold after due advertisement by
said County Commissioners to the highest bidder or bidders,
provided that none of said bonds shall be sold for lees than