conduct or maintenance of every prison farm, prison work-
shop or place for the detention and labor of convicts in Bal-
timore County, and to prohibit the erection, establishment,
conduct or maintenance of any such prison farm, prison
workshop or place for the detention and labor of convicts
without such permit being first had and obtained.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Article 3 of the Code of Public Local Laws
of Maryland, title "Baltimore County, " sub-title "Police and
Police Stations, " as repealed and re-enacted by Chapter 495 of
the Acts of 1908, be and the same is hereby amended by add-
ing thereto two additional sections to be known as "Section
295A and Section 295B, " said two sections to read as follows:
295A. No person, body, board, corporation, municipal or
otherwise, shall hereafter erect, establish, conduct or maintain
any prison farm, prison workshop or place for the detention
and labor of convicts in Baltimore County without first apply-
ing to and obtaining a permit in writing from the County
Commissioners of Baltimore County so to do. The applica-
tion for such permit shall be made in writing addressed to the
said County Commissioners, and shall set forth the particular
place where the prison farm, prison workshop or place for the
detention and labor of convicts is to be located, maintained or
conducted under the permit sought, specifying the same by
definite designation and description. Said application shall
also set forth under what authority and in what manner the
persons to be detained at the prison farm, in the prison work-
shop or at the place for the detention and labor of convicts
shall be detained, guarded and employed, as well as the man-
ner and mode to be used in transporting such persons to and
from said prison farm, prison workshop or place for the deten-
tion and labor of convicts. Before filing such application
with the said County Commissioners, the applicant shall give
notice of his, its or their intention to apply for such permit
by publication in one or more of the county newspapers for
three successive weeks, setting forth the substance of said peti-
tion and the day on which he, it or they shall appear before
said County Commissioners and ask for an order on such
application. In addition to such notice by publication the
applicant shall cause a copy of said advertisement to be served
upon the abutting property owners, where personal service is
practicable and where not practicable to be left on the prem-
ises with the person in charge thereof. Within ten days after