the last publication of said notice, the applicant shall file his
petition with said County Commissioners, together with a cer-
tificate of publication of the notice aforesaid and a certificate
of the person serving such notice as to the service of the same.
Objections to the granting of such permit may be filed by any
taxpayer of Baltimore County at any time before the day fixed
for the hearing on such petition and whether there be objec-
tions or not to the granting of such permit, the said County
Commissioners shall on the day fixed in such notice hear such.
evidence as may be offered and pass on said application or
sustain or overrule such objections or, in their discretion, with-
hold their decision until they have had an opportunity to inves-
tigate the matter. If upon such evidence offered at said hear-
ing and their own investigation of the matter, the said County
Commissioners shall be of the opinion that the location named
in the application is not proper, having regard to the neigh-
borhood and its uses, or that the safety of the citizens of Balti-
more County would be impaired or that the assessable basis
of the County would be materially reduced, the Commissioners
shall refuse the permit applied for, otherwise they shall grant
it. If the applicant or any taxpayer of Baltimore County who
shall have filed objections to the granting of such permit shall
feel aggrieved at the action of said County Commissioners
with reference to the granting or refusing of any such permit,
said applicant or said taxpayer shall have the right of appeal
to the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, the said appeal to
be taken within ten days of the order of the County Commis-
missioners granting or refusing such permit.
29 5B. Any person and any officer of any board, body, cor-
poration, municipal or otherwise who shall proceed to estab-
lish any such prison farm, prison workshop or place for the
detention and labor of convicts without having first obtained
the permit set forth in Section 295A of this Act, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof
shall be fined not more than One Hundred dollars or impris-
oned for not more than thirty days, or be both fined and im-
prisoned in the discretion of the Court. And each and every
day that any such person or officer shall conduct or maintain
any such prison farm, prison workshop or place for the deten-
tion and labor of convicts in violation of the preceding section
of this Act, shall constitute a separate offence within the
meaning of this Act